YMCA OSHC provides a safe, fun, and stimulating place for children before / after school hours as well as
Vacation Care during school holidays. Para Hills West OSHC is an accredited Exceeding Service that has the
right mix of physical activity, intellectual stimulation and rest keeping kids wanting to come back. We also
pride ourselves in delivering the best Vacation Care program in South Australia with fun excursions and
engaging activities throughout the day.
New to OSHC? Before making an OSHC or Vacation Care booking you need to enrol into the OSHC service.
All bookings and enrolments are done online to help build a sustainable future. Please visit our website on
instructions on how to enrol your children.
Monday to Friday Before School Care
6:30 to 8:30 am
Monday to Friday After School Care
3:00 to 6:00 pm
Monday to Friday Vacation Care
6:30 am to 6:00 pm
Phone Number:
0498 988 065
Email Address:
Head Office and OSHC Support
8200 2516