Intensive English Language Centre (IELC)

What is IELC?

The Department for Education provides intensive English language support for students newly arrived in Australia.

In primary schools, this program is called the Intensive English Language Program (IELP). 

To be eligible for the IELP students need to be enrolled within 12 months of arrival in Australia, or 18 months in the case of students entering Reception or Year 1. 

How is IELC structured?

Students generally stay in the IELP for 1 year. This can be extended if required. 

Classes in primary IELCs are small and organised by age. Students are taught the primary school subjects while also learning about the English language.

Students are encouraged and helped to integrate with mainstream students. 

Transition programs are organised so that students can successfully continue their education in their local school.

PHWPS IELC caters to students from nearby and surrounding suburbs. 

We are quickly growing which is very exciting for our school. 

We love meeting the diverse range of families and watching the students flourish as they gain confidence and the ability to communicate in English with their peers.